A downloadable game for Windows

This is a game inspired by detritus that will turn your computer's images into a museum, and invite bots to walk around and judge your tastes. It will search wherever you tell it to. It will find the images buried deep in your computer, no image is safe.

Hint: try looking through the options menu, there's a lot!

The game might take a while to start on the first run, because it has to generate config files, and it will take longer the more images you have. It will also take a long time if your images are super high resolution (ex: 700x1300 each)

List of controls and what they do:

arrow keys: move camera

r: make museum visitors move to a different painting

p: snap camera to most popular exhibit (most visited exhibit)

l: toggle image culling (weather images render out of camera view, performance)

left click (on visitor): follow that visitor

mouse hover (on visitor): show what visitor has to say and create a line pointing to their destination.

left shift: move camera faster

left alt: remove the frame rate limit (toggle)

esc: access settings menu

ctrl: slow the game (caps frame rate at 20)

up/down (settings menu): scroll up and down in settings menu

up/down (settings menu over number value): increment number value

left shift (settings menu): modifier that changes values by 10 instead of 1


Is this going to be open source?

Yes, but it's not at a point in development where I feel satisfied with the game, so not yet.

I found a bug, where do I report it?

Just send me a message or leave a comment on the project.

Are you going to keep working on this game?

Yes, but development will be slow because of other projects.

Releases for other platforms?

I have no idea how to compile python to mac, and Linux will be out in a while because I don't have a Linux operating system readily available. If you know how to compile python to a standalone executable on mac, feel free to tell me, otherwise there probably won't be a mac release.

I made this game to see if I could make games, and I have every intention of finishing it. Your feedback is very important in the completion of this game, so if you have anything you think could be improved don't hesitate to comment and let me know.


Musem 0.6 12 MB
Musem 0.7 12 MB
Musem 0.7.2 12 MB

Install instructions

Download and run the main file.

Make sure wherever you put this has write access, and you are okay with it creating files there.

Development log

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